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Active Projects

Below is the list of our current projects and the members a part of each task team. Each member is personally assigned to a task group that they hope to help develop.

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  • All
  • Active Projects
  • Broadband/Data Centers
  • Grassfield Area Development
  • Greenbrier Mall Redevelopment
  • New City Regulations Requirements
  • Williams Farm
  • Workforce Housing
  • All
  • Active Projects
  • Broadband/Data Centers
  • Grassfield Area Development
  • Greenbrier Mall Redevelopment
  • New City Regulations Requirements
  • Williams Farm
  • Workforce Housing
Active Projects

Broadband/Regional Fiber Ring

Active Projects

Why Malls Should Add Residential To Their Repurposing Plans

Active Projects

In White Plains, N.Y., the Long Death of an Old Mall

Active Projects

Turning Dead Malls into Community Assets

Active Projects

Greenbrier Mall Redevelopment

Active Projects

Coastal Virginia Commerce Park Update (aka The Williams Farm)