CHESAPEAKE — A facility that stores renewable energy is coming to Chesapeake — but its development has raised concern among elected officials and residents about what say the city has in the matter.
The battery energy storage facility, operated by a company called Crossroads Energy Storage, will be the first of its kind to set up in Chesapeake. It will sit on about seven acres of property zoned for industrial use at 2601 Trade St. in the Deep Creek area.
The company says the facility will help provide emission-free renewable energy to the electrical grid as part of Virginia’s clean energy initiative. It will connect to a nearby electric substation owned by Dominion Energy, and is also close to Dominion’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project.
But some neighbors were not thrilled about the development. The project abuts a neighborhood and is also near a number of businesses. Several Chesapeake residents spoke out against the facility’s location at the City Council meeting Tuesday, sharing concerns about the potential for fires, which could release toxic chemicals near where people work and live.
Fires have been reported at such facilities, including the world’s biggest battery energy storage system in the California. Other municipalities have sought to examine fire safety issues when developments are proposed in their jurisdictions.
Despite the concerns raised, the City Council could not act to block the development. That’s because the facility’s operation is deemed a by-right use that doesn’t need City Council approval. So Tuesday’s 5-2 vote was only to approve a siting agreement with additional safety and mitigation measures above and beyond what’s typically required.
Some council members said they were frustrated about not having a say in whether the facility can operate or where it’s located.
“Our hands are tied,” said Council member Jeff Bunn. “That’s what I have a problem with.”
Council members Debbie Ritter and Ella Ward both voted against. Ritter later asked city staff to return with proposals for planning text amendments that would require such businesses in close proximity to residents to come before council in the future for a conditional use permit.
Similar storage facilities are being built across the country as the nation works to transition to renewable energy sources. City Manager Chris Price said another facility is looking to set up shop in Chesapeake, but this one would need a council-authorized use permit as it wouldn’t be in an area zoned for industrial use.
The facility was first discussed in February and council members deferred the vote until the applicants had more time to meet with nearby residents and address their concerns. Grady Palmer, an attorney representing Crossroads Energy Storage LLC, said the applicant has added a 60-decibel noise limit for its facility, along with 24/7 monitoring and physical inspections twice a month, which will remain in place for the life of the project. Applicants also expanded the vegetative buffer of trees and shrubs around the facility.
Palmer called the facility “critical infrastructure” for the evolving electric grid, explaining that energy will be stored when demand is low and discharged when it’s high. Ben Weisel, a consultant with Plus Power, told members their facility has the ability to service 10,000 residents and businesses.
Price said the land has been zoned industrial since the 1960s.
“So you’re approving extra mitigation, extra buffers, extra landscaping, extra fire detection, extra noise suppression,” he said.
Crossroads Energy Storage’s application states it’s expected to be operating by 2028. As part of the siting agreement, the company will also contribute nearly $12,000 to aid the city’s deployment of broadband infrastructure.
Natalie Anderson, 757-732-1133, natalie.anderson@virginiamedia.com